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The porcini is recognizable by its swollen and firm foot, white in color. The flesh is white with the break and the cut, and keeps this shade. There are more than twenty species of edible boletes. From the end of June to November, depending on the species, the boletes are picking in our forests, our plains, our mountains. The varieties of boletes in the broad sense of the term are the appendiculated boletal, the boletal bai, the pale boletus, the indigo bolet, the yellow pine bole, the red boletus and the royal boletus.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

31 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
11 Mg
318 Mg
3 G
3 G
0 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
1 Mg
0 Mg
10 Mg
Food fibers
2 G
22 Mg


How to prepare heaps well ?
- Start by cleaning the porcini mushrooms by gently wiping them with a damp cloth or a soft brush to remove any trace of earth or sand. Do not wash them underwater because they absorb - easily moisture and can lose their flavor. - Cut the porcini feet if they are too long or too hard. You can also remove the hat base if it is damaged or damaged. - If you want to remove the skin from the porcini mushrooms, heat them in a hot pan for a few minutes. The skin should be easily detached. Remove it using a knife.
What are the benefits of porcini mushrooms ?
Porcini mushrooms are nutrient mushrooms such as vitamin D, vitamin B2, potassium, phosphorus, copper, selenium and fibers. They also contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help protect against certain diseases. Here are some potential benefits of porcini consumption: - The porcini mushroom can help strengthen the immune system due to its high vitamin D content. - The porcini can help protect against heart disease due to its anti -inflammatory compounds. - The porcini can help improve digestion due to its high fiber content. - The porcini can help protect against diseases related to aging due to its high antioxidant content. - The porcini can help maintain good bone health due to its high phosphorus content.
How to choose fresh porcini mushrooms ?
- Fresh porcini mushrooms have a dark, firm and smooth hat, without stains or signs of mold. The blades (the plates under the hat) must be well developed and dark brown color. Avoid porcini mushrooms that have dry or white or gray stains, this may indicate that they are old or damaged. - Fresh porcini mushrooms have a firm and soft texture. Avoid porcini mushrooms or liquid stains, this may indicate that they are damaged or rotting. - Fresh porcini mushrooms have a strong and pleasant smell. Avoid porcini mushrooms which have an unpleasant smell or that do not smell the fungus.
How to keep porcini mushrooms ?
Keep the porcini mushrooms in a perforated plastic bag or wrap them in damp paper. This will keep them fresh for about 1 to 2 days.
Can we freeze porcini mushrooms ?
It is possible to freeze the porcini mushrooms, but it is important to prepare them properly before freezing them to avoid the loss of texture and flavor. It is recommended to clean them carefully, cut them into pieces and make them skip in a pan with a little oil to remove excess water. Then the porcini mushrooms must be placed on a baking sheet and put in the freezer until they are completely frozen. Once frozen, they can be transferred to an airtight freezing bag. It is important to remove as much air as possible to avoid ice formation. Condeled porcini mushrooms can be kept for about 6 months. It is important to note that the texture can change after defrosting, it is therefore recommended to consume them after cooking.
Where in europe are porcini mushrooms cultivated ?
The porcini mushrooms are mainly cultivated in Europe in Feuillus forests, especially in France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium. The porcini mushrooms naturally grow in the forests of hardwoods and conifers, but they are also cultivated in a greenhouse and in the open field in certain regions. Porcini mushrooms are also cultivated in other European countries such as Sweden, Norway, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary.
What are the varieties of porcini mushrooms ?
There are many varieties of porcini mushrooms, but the most commonly cultivated and consumed in Europe are: - The Bordeaux porcini, also known as the common porcini mushroom, cork porcini, pins or wood pins. It is considered the most tasty and most sought after porcus. He has a convex and dark hat, a white foot and a firm flesh. - The wood pork, also known as the red porcini mushroom or oak porcini mushrooms. He has a convex and dark red hat, a white foot and a firm flesh. It is considered a little less tasty than the Bordeaux porcini, but it is still very appreciated. The Paris porcini mushroom, also known as the summer porcini. He has a convex and dark brown hat, a white foot and a firm flesh. It is considered to be less tasty than the Bordeaux porcini mushroom and the wooden porcini, but it is still appreciated for its taste qualities.
What are the recipes with porcini mushrooms ?
Porcini mushrooms are an ingredient that is used in many recipes including - porcini mushroom stew - porcini pie - stuffed porcini mushrooms - porcini mushrooms - grilled porcini mushrooms - porcini risotto - cream porcini mushrooms
How to differentiate between edible porcini mushrooms and poison porcini mushrooms ?
- edible porcini mushrooms generally have a convex or dome -shaped hat, while poisonous porcini mushrooms generally have a flatter or tray -shaped hat. - edible porcini mushrooms generally have a dark brown color, while poisonous porcini mushrooms generally have a lighter or white color. - edible porcini mushrooms generally have strips under the hat that is white or cream, while the poisoning porcini generally have darker or reddish strips. - edible porcini mushrooms generally have a white or creamy foot, while poisonous porcini mushrooms generally have a darker or reddish foot. - edible porcini mushrooms generally have a pleasant smell, while poisonous porcini mushrooms generally have an unpleasant or strange smell.

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